Monday, November 22, 2010

Shadow and Light

For this assignment, I went around school with the goal of capturing the light and shadows from different areas of the school. The windows in front of the stairs, above the lights, and some outside all had different shadows that would look cool photographed.

ISO:  400
Aperture: f/4
Shutter Speed: 1/125

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


During this assignment, I got pictures of the family dog. Some are of the dog playing soccer, some are of him lying on the couch, and some are of him playing with the dog bone. I used the auto mode of the camera and also used a little bit of the motion setting. I edited the pictures in Photoshop and made some of them look like a sepia setting or close to it, and others I fixed the exposure and used black and white setting. 

                                                                          ISO: 400
                                                         Aperture: 2.8 Shutter Speed:1/250

School Context Photo

During this assignment, I learned how to use gimp along with Google images in order to make a picture look realistic with unrealistic characteristics. I used a picture of a duck, a fish and an eagle and used Gimp in a new window cutting out the animal or object that I wanted to use for the context photo. Then after that, I used the paste tool in order to get the object onto the computer and then scaled the image to the correct size. Finally, I added shadows through copying and flipping the objct and darening the reflection.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Still Life

During this assignment, I learned how to foocus on a certain subject and make it look as if it were to be in a magazine advertisement. Also, I used some paper I found for the background as well as some white paper to bounce the light off of. I was aiming to shoot things you may not see everyday or that you may but in a different light.

ISO:  3200
Aperture:    2.8                Shutter Speed: 1/30

Friday, November 5, 2010

Portrait Demo

  During this assignment, I learned what materials and types f lights are required in a portrait shooting studio. Also, I learned how to use a light card and bounce light off of the source and onto the subject. After that, I learned how to take the two portraits and edit them as a before and after like photo by merging them into one picture with two photographs.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Black and White

During this past weeks assignment, I learned how to capture the object or subject in the photograph and make it look like it is possibly an older or just a different type of picture simply by changing the color of the photograph. I also learned how to change the color of the photo on the editing software which is a good alternative if you are unsure of how you want the picture to look, you can edit the picture on the editing software.


                  ISO: 200
Aperture 3.5    Shutter Speed 1/500

Friday, October 29, 2010

Panoramic Assignment

During this assignment, I learned how to take a certain amount of pictures then put them together to make one picture. During this process, I went through some challenges of getting the background to match perfectly and getting the correct lighting due to the change of light while panning. I also learned how to blur out and clone certain objects if there is a mistake or a large erase mark in the picture.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Macro Assignment

During this assignment, I learned how to use certain settings such as shutter speed, ISO, aperture, and exposure to capture the detail of an image. I also learned how to focus on certain subjects and blur out the backround so that the focal point is the main thing you see. I also learned how to properly zoom in on a subject without zooming in too much or too little.

                                      ISO: 80     Aperture:     3.2        Shutter Speed: 1/1250

Gimp Retouch Car Demo

I learned how to edit an image by using Gimp. I learned how to use certain tools such as the clone tool, the blur tool,and a few others. I also learned how to make an image look better than the original by blacking or blurring out the background.

Monday, October 18, 2010


During this assignment, I learned how to capture the essence of the architecture that makes up what we see everyday. When we drive by a building we don't think of how old it is or what it would be like in a picture. I learned that any building has architecture that is able to be captured and photographed. I also learned how to use certain settings in order to blur out the background and how to use the ISO in place of shutter speed on a point and shoot camera.

                                                                     ISO: 100

                                             Aperture: 3.5                     Shutter Speed: 1/500

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Motion Demo

During this assignment, I learned how to focus on a subject while using the shutter speed to blur out the rest of the picture. I also learned how to pan in order to make sure that the movement of the subject is captured correctly. In order to focus properly, you need to have an idea of where the subject is going to be and have a pre focused destination.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Nature and Landscape

During this assignment we were able to choose a certain element to photograph. This week I chose to do nature and landscape. There are many different trees, pumpkins, some flowers, as well as the school pond with the swans. I learned from this assignment that there are many things around us that we can capture that are involved with nature and landscape.

                                                                    ISO: 200
                                                 Shutter Speed: 1/500     Aperture: 3.5

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Emily Burke Gimp Assignment

In this assignment we were asked to make a pop art photograph of ourselves or someone else to create an Andy Warhol effect by using an application called Gimp. I learned how to improve my knowledge of using Gimp to make the pop art effect. I also learned that there are many different steps you need to follow carefully in order to accomplish the task we are given. In addition to that, I learned what types of effects go into making one different effect.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Composition Assignment

For this assignment we were to take pictures of 11 different types of composition and then pick the best one for each. The types of composition were Rule of Thirds, Depth of Field, Texture, Symmetry, Lines, Pattern, Balance, Framing, Color, Perspective, and Space. After that we were to edit the photos and then put them in a folder on Finally we were to make a blog and put the composition folder onto the blog.

Rule of thirds= Pair of shoes in tree
Depth of field= Stick in the grass
Symmetry= Commons hallway with people at the end
Lines= Brick wall on the side of the school horizontal lines
Pattern= Chairs to lunch table in the lunchroom
Texture= Old oak tree by the pond
Balance= Ticket booth at the football field
Framing= Goal post on football field
Color= Bus and car in main office loop
Perspective= Bleachers in the stands at the football field
Space= Saline water tower and radio booth

During this assignment, I learned that composition is key to a good photo. It is not just click and shoot a picture without knowledge of the lines, patterns, balance, etc. The composition improves the quality of the photo and it also makes for a bit of a professional look instead of an amateure look. Also, by using the composition, you can have a better idea of what type of element you want to go for if it is color, balance. or even framing. You have a better understanding of what makes a photo look as it does.